Enlargement of the penis using weight refers to one of the popular methods known since ancient Egypt, as well as widespread use among the aborigines. Modern men use this method not for the purpose of undergoing an initiation, but for personal gain, in order to avoid surgery. But the technique only works at home if the instructions are strictly followed.
When load is applied
By suspending a load, the male genital organ is lengthened. But the size does not change in width. This means that snapping is useful when a slight increase in length is needed so that loss of width does not become a concern.
Most often, people resort to penis enlargement with weights if they are subjectively unhappy with the appearance of their organ or the quality of their intimate life. In the absence of medical recommendations for the surgery, you can try to find an alternative.
Types of suspensions
The method is called a hanger in ordinary people. Due to the gentle application of the technique, the success of the procedure is guaranteed. Starting with a small weight, the load on the organ gradually increases.
Mechanical method
The mechanical method of suspending a load is trivial, which without knowledge and training will only hurt. During execution, the man is in one of the comfortable positions: lying, sitting, on his side. Alternating positions are also possible.
Actions to be carried out:
- there should not be excess fluid in the ureter, so you should relieve yourself and stop drinking for a few hours after the procedure;
- the penis warms up, but an erection is not achieved;
- the tissue is pulled at the base of the organ and it is wrapped in a tight bandage;
- a soft material is taken so as not to damage the delicate skin;
- attach a weight to the rope;
- a soft material is wrapped around the penis slightly below the head, secured with a bandage. You can also take special hooks which are attached to the elastic fabric;
- Gradually the weight is released from the hands until a slight discomfort is felt. But you have to make sure that the object hangs freely, without any external support.
Mechanical penis enlargement with a load is performed every day. It starts from 40 minutes, after which this period will be increased to one hour. The technique is applied for several months, if there is no deterioration.
The vacuum suspension of the load is done with a different approach. Before attaching the cap, wrap the head with a soft adhesive tape. This will prevent the formation of blisters on the sensitive penis. Then the sleeve is fixed under vacuum for 20 minutes. The approach is repeated after 15 minutes. This technique is performed every day for an hour.
What's included in vacuum magnification:
- winding;
- cap adapted to the head;
- retaining sleeve
Usually such a filler is sold in specialized stores, since the cap is selected according to the size of the head of the penis. It is better to buy a device with a silicone sleeve.
Important.There should be no discomfort during the procedure. If the sensations are unpleasant, the procedure should be completed. It is recommended to suspend actions for a few hours.
How to enlarge a member with a load
The home loads are weighed in the following order:
- To avoid unpleasant sensations and the urge to urinate, you should empty before the procedure.
- The heating of the penis is carried out with a massage with oils and hot water. No erection is induced.
- The trunk of the organ is wrapped in cotton.
- A weight is attached to the relaxed penis. It is important to install it correctly: the head is exposed so that the skin does not stretch, then a weight is attached 2-3 cm above the head.
- The weight is selected on an individual basis: from 0, 2 g, but not more than one kilogram.
- For one approach, 15 to 20 minutes are enough, which are divided into 2 approaches.
- Along with the rest, massage movements are performed for 10-15 minutes to improve blood circulation.
- Take daily breaks: at least 1 day of rest with three days of exercise.
For long workouts you need a program like this:
- the first 30 days of execution - the load gradually increases up to 1. 2 kg with a total hanging time of up to 40 minutes;
- 30-60 days - weight increase from 1, 2 kg to 2, 8 with a total duration of 50 minutes;
- 60-90 days - weight increases up to 4 kg, and weight - up to 55 minutes;
- After the fourth month, an increase in weight from 4. 5 kg is available and exercises are performed for an hour.
Important.While exercising, while the weight is suspended, it should not swing, as this is fraught with injury.
The lengthening takes place gradually, as there may be a risk of scarring and other damage. The phallus can contract in this way, but not lengthen.
Is it possible to increase the penis with the help of weight
The result may depend on the following factors:
- Physiology of men. If a person is growing quickly and has a good metabolism, the penis will grow faster.
- The time. The first result will be visible after a few months, so persistence will be necessary.
- Regularity. The procedure is carried out strictly according to the schedule without deviations.
By using this method, you can achieve an increase in the penis of no more than 2 cm in six months.
Compared to other home remedies, these exercises are based on understanding the structure of a man's penis. If you apply additional exercises, the organ is not only lengthened with weight, but also becomes thicker. Along with the main method, additional exercises can be tested to consolidate the result and maintain blood circulation.
Additional exercises
As additional methods besides freight, the following operations are performed:
- stretch;
- flexion;
- shoot.
Each of them has its own characteristics.
Stretching is one of the easy and painless methods. The heated genital organ is taken by the head and then stretched at different angles. It is not recommended to increase the impact force if suspension is already used as the primary method. Before going to bed, a session can last 10 minutes.
Seated sweaters
For such an exercise you will need an organ that is not fully aroused. The technique is to first pull the penis down, then back, then the man should sit on the penis. Thanks to such actions, not only the base of the penis increases, but the diameter also increases. The mechanism of action is as follows: pressure on the blood flow increases.
Exercise requires an incompletely erect organ. The penis is bent in different directions so that there is no strong discomfort. If pain is felt during manipulation, the actions are stopped. Otherwise, the tissues could be injured.
Advantages and disadvantages
There may be negative consequences when using the weight suspension technique to enlarge the male member. Therefore, those who are afraid of a surgical intervention resort to such a procedure. In addition, many are afraid that the result will be visible only after a few months. The exercises are performed at home. Specialty stores sell special tools with instructions.
The positive aspects of the method are as follows:
- minimal cooking costs;
- the genital organ increases by 2 cm.
But there are also negative sides:
- it will take at least 3 months for the result to be really visible;
- stretching decreases sensitivity;
- with prolonged strain on the penis, discomfort or pain may be felt;
- increased risk of phallus injury;
- If blood circulation is impaired following manipulation, there may be erection problems.
Self-enlargement of the phallus is dangerous, since it can be accompanied by injuries, up to the complete inactivity of the organ. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a specialist before self-medication.